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05 May - 15 June


Ca l'Alier, Barcelona




Fab Lab Barcelona presents an exhibition that will show how the productive character of Poblenou has been transformed during the decades and its existing potential to promote a more circular, inclusive and diverse economy.


The exhibition will portray the evolution of Poblenou’s tangible and intangible productive heritage. A set of photographic records, personal stories and objects connected with different scales of the territory will be presented.


We want to make the productive sector of the neighbourhood visible through a local exhibition where manufacturers, artisans, residents and people connected with Poblenou can feel invited and recognized to share and contribute their knowledge and experiences.


This exhibition will take place in the context of the CENTRINNO, Make Works and Distributed design EU projects, and in collaboration with Poblenou Urban District, the Department of Education of the Generalitat.


Discover the event on the local Pilot website of Fab Lab Barcelona.





? In line with the Year of Skills, #PoblenouFABRICA was selected as Partner Event for the EU GreenWeek 2023, focusing on the topics of skills for sustainable, resilient and socially fair communities.


?? The EU Green Week wishes to highlight the importance of “green” skills – skills which will empower people to join and contribute to the green transition.


? This is why an important factor at the core of the production of the laboratory – exhibition created by the Barcelona pilot within CENTRINNO is, since the very beginning, sustainability. All used materials were purchased at local stores in the Poblenou neighborhood, with the aim of promoting responsible consumption and the local economy. Designed for disassembly, all the exhibition stands can be reutilised for future events.

This event is part of the Green Week 2023, being partner event and you can download here our Green Week banner!


Discover the next Roundtable events that will take place all along the exhibition period:

3 – Roundtable

  • The role of Poblenou’s industrial heritage: Present and future uses as urban identity
  • Date: May 18, 2023
  • Page event

4 – Final event

  • Productive hubs: Creating opportunities and empowering citizenship
  • Date: June 1, 2023
  • Page event





Launch event

The exhibition will start on the 5th May with a special launch event, a roundtable with the title “Technology and handicrafts: complementary tools of transformation”


Crafts as an alternative way of producing and claiming. On the one hand, the more leisurely and small-scale production, which prioritizes local materials, values ancestry while it’s able to redefine itself and adapt to new times. On the other hand, art as a means of social transformation to achieve emancipation, equal rights and the cultural construction of femininity.

In this roundtable, Fab Lab Barcelona invites three representatives and activists from the creative, cultural and social sectors to discuss the role of craft and trigger positive changes in society, exploring intergenerational and gender issues.


Date: May 5, 2023
Time: 13h to 14h
Address: Ca l’Alier / BIT Habitat – C/ de Pere IV, 362, Barcelona


The second round table:

  • The reuse of wood at the city scale: Opportunities and barriers for local production
  • Date: May 11, 2023
  • Page event