Building Blocks
15 June 2020
The Project work packages within REFLOW
Co-Creation Design & Framework: A co-creation driven approach involving key stakeholders throughout the transition process, from visioning, goal setting, experimenting to measuring the shared value of the desired outcomes;
Technical Infrastructure & Software: The integration of new technological solutions to facilitate the circulation of data and resources;
Creating & Managing Circular Flows: A sound material management approach to map, identify and redirect circular material flows;
Collaborative Governance & Urban Strategies: A set of new practices to redesign governance models towards more collaborative and distributed public-private-people alliances;
Pilots Framework: A structure that acts both as a tool and as a dashboard. It aligns the cities from the understanding of their context, while recording the progress of their journey to discover how to become more circular;
Capacity Building: A capacity building set of actions to align the skills and needs of all key involved stakeholders with the vision of the city;
Communication: An ongoing communication strategy to inform and engage stakeholders and create a successful narrative of the circular economy transition.
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