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14 September

1:00 PM-3:00 PM


Vocational Training workshop – Focus group series

When: 14th September at 13.00 CET


Discover Centrinno Focus Groups, a series of workshops with a thematic focus


The 4th workshop will focus on the topic of Vocational Training.

The new economy at the core of sustainable and inclusive transformation of historic industrial areas will need new professionals and jobs. Programs at the intersection of hands-on and theory, as well as open and accessible knowledge, play a key role in training this new working force, connecting tangible urban issues with local organizations and companies. Thus, the concept is about connecting training and innovation with local needs and local traditions. This includes formal (schools, research centres, etc.) and informal training (peer-led, business-led, skill- share workshops, etc.). Training programs in CENTRINNO foster life-long training and a new understanding of craftsmanship. The topics dealt with are diverse and interconnected (textile, advanced technologies, woodwork, design, agriculture, food, etc.). The training approach includes hard skills, soft skills and ethical awareness (e.g., gender issues).




Download the agenda for the 4th workshop HERE.


CENTRINNO is launching a Focus Group series to external stakeholders to present and discuss our approaches to specific thematic challenges. The initiative has the twofold objective of engaging with important actors to receive feedback on the validation of our concept and tools, but also it aims to be an inspiration window where external stakeholders can reflect on the possible uptake or adoption of similar approaches in different contexts.

An opportunity to exchange views and discover innovative approaches on themes that are common to our jobs and professional challenges. Even more interestingly, the CENTRINNO Focus Group activities aim to be the base room to create new synergies on specific topics, or even new networks of collaboration and future project opportunities.


The CENTRINNO Focus Group consists of a series of five online workshops on the following key topics, the next one will be on Vocational Training on 14th September and the 5th and final one is  on the concept of Fab City Hubs on 23rd November 2023.


Download here the general info on the Focus Group series, learn more about each key concept.