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02 July

12:00 PM-12:30 PM

IAAC, Barcelona

Maker Faire 2022. Saturday 2nd of July. 12:00 a 12:30
IAAC. Pujades 102


CENTRINNO: What has heritage to say in a locally productive and globally connected city?


Presentation/ Talk


Most European cities, large and small, face the challenge of transforming industrial heritage sites. Once hotspots of infrastructure, workers, knowledge, and innovation, industrial areas have often been abandoned, reduced or relocated due to urban changes and a shift towards a global extractive economic model. As a consequence, not only historical buildings are being demolished, but neighbourhoods are losing elements of their cultural identity and traditions.
The importance of preserving aspects of the local identity combined with the necessity of developing a more resilient and sustainable productive model requires innovative strategies for sustainable urban regeneration.


Within the CENTRINNO Horizon 2020 European Project, Fab Lab Barcelona explores an alternative urban regeneration of Poblenou as a creative, locally productive, and inclusive neighbourhood. The strategies tested by the local team, connected with the Fab City approach and the Make Works initiative propose a new urban, economic, and social model that fosters local sustainable production and cross-collaboration with local actors in Poblenou.
Maker skills, education, manufacturing practices and circular principles are being combined to test a collaborative and inclusive local economy model. In this talk, the CENTRINNO local team in Barcelona will explain some of the ongoing activities and results of the work being carried out in Poblenou for valorizing its heritage, its communities, and its productivity identity.



Milena Juarez, action researcher at Fab Lab Barcelona
Olga Trevisan, resident researcher at Fab Lab Barcelona


You can check the full Maker Faire program here:  https://fablabbcn.org/calendar/maker-faire-barcelona-2022 


For the talks and workshops at Fab Lab Barcelona registration is not necessary. The workshops have limited capacity and attendance will be on a first come-first serve basis.