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Fab City Hub Voices

Fab City Hub Voices

07 July

12:00 PM-1:00 PM


Meet the founders and protagonists of the most remarkable Creative and Productive Hubs in Europe. A series of webinars to learn about the challenges involved in activating such projects, but also to understand all the opportunities they open up for the local innovation ecosystem.


Marcos García works in the field of citizen laboratories. Between 2003 and 2021 he worked at Medialab Prado.


Between 2004 and 2006 he was responsible for the educational and mediation program of MediaLabMadrid together with Laura Fernández, where they promoted the Interactivos? project, a collaborative prototyping workshop format that served as the basis for the development of Medialab Prado and its citizen laboratories methodology.


Between 2007 and 2014 he was responsible for the cultural program of Medialab Prado together with Laura Fernández, and between 2014 and 2021 its director.