Circular Economy
15 June 2020
A Circular Economy is an alternative to a dominant linear industrial model of design, produce, purchase, consume and dispose. A circular model aims to redefine growth and a positive societal impact and for its development a systemic approach and a deep transformation of habits and behaviour are needed. It entails a transition from using finite energy resources, to using renewable ones (designing -the concept of- waste out of the system), while building economic, natural and social impact. Although starting from different materials in REFLOW, the focus of the circular economy gradually extends beyond these issues related to material management and covers other aspects such as the social impact, technological aspects and the evolution of urban governance structures. Since Circular Economy is purposive, but isn’t just about sustainability environmentally and economically, the social components are fundamental for this transition to happen. This happens in mindset and cultural rituals: from the way we design, produce, consume, purchase and dispose, all the way to how we see and value existing, or even abundant, resources in local environments.
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