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28 September

12:00 PM-1:00 PM


Meet the founders of the firsts Fab City Hubs on-the-making in Europe!


Fab City Hub Voices is a series of webinars to learn about the challenges involved in activating productive and creative hubs, but also to understand all the opportunities they open up for the local innovation ecosystem.

Through these meetings we aim to highlight the difficulties and challenges faced by the promoters of these spaces, but also the progress they propose for the territorial ecosystem along 5 main lines: Circular Economy, Social Inclusion, Vocational Training and Heritage.


The mission of Tallinn Pilot is to bring people together to revive and upgrade traditional skills and know-how of food production, building, and repairing by applying global design, permaculture, and design thinking for Northern Tallinn citizens in order to make our pilot area communities more resilient for the future.


Guest speaker:


Karin Kruup is the Tallinn pilot coordinator of CENTRINNO. She has a background in economics, computer science, and technology governance. Her current interests and focus are digital commons, open cooperativism, circular economy, and resilient systems design. CENTRINNO pilot in Tallinn turns Kopli 93, an old culture center, into an experimentation lab and a local Fab City Hub for self-organization and resilience.


Sep 28, 2022 12:00 PM